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Once again in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+13Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: againonce moreover againSimilar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againMeaning: adv. anew. 
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151. And now the uproar that he had finally raised was dying away, and a gratifying silence was descending once again.
152. He ached with anger at himself for losing his temper once again.
153. Once again, however, it took the fears engendered by the Boer War to arouse widespread interest in the issue.
154. The roof is covered in copper, in keeping with historic accuracy, and flagpoles rise once again on the towers.
155. He watched her leave the room and once again found himself imagining what she would look like without any clothes on.
156. He answered the door himself, and she was painfully aware that once again his eyes seemed to study every part of her.
157. They burst into laughter and we piled once again into his car for another search.
158. Baits Once again this area has changed dramatically in the past 12 years.
159. The resulting verdicts amounted, once again, to a demand for the abolition of the Forest jurisdiction outside the king's demesnes.
160. Dudley was recalled in 1587, and, despite his abysmal failures, was held in high esteem at court once again.
161. Once again, in their view, the world would have rejected their country's claim to international respect.
161. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
162. Once again the change can have nothing to do with making the chapter more acceptable.
163. They are once again mirroring a similar debate within the broader society.
164. Once again he blasted out at the first attempt, reeling back amid a cloud of sand and covering his eyes.
165. The music started again after a break, and Jack looked anxiously from woman to woman, faced once again with priority.
166. But, once again, these complications are comparatively rare, and, these days, fairly easy to treat.
167. Once again he was found to be innocent, but he was still kept under arrest.
168. And, once again. you will see that you have had to work backwards.
169. With students and riot police headed for a major confrontation, Seoul was once again a boiling cauldron.
170. Once again he was in the sobering presence of violent death.
171. Once again, Williams tried to play through the pain, but after a while, it became too much to bear.
172. Recently it seems to have been bringing him out in anxiety attacks once again.
173. Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.
174. Her granddaughter says the old woman was afraid to answer the door, terrified that once again city officials would come knocking.
175. Once again Sabine had the curious sensation that time had stopped and run back.
176. Once again you can appreciate how important it is to have a mixed and varied diet.
177. Once again she was bursting into tears over nothing at all.
178. Once again it made her wonder what sign he was born under.
179. Cladding for the concrete structure is once again in tune with the surrounding area.
180. However, a surplus or excess supply still exists and competition among sellers will once again bid down the price of corn.
More similar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againpit againstover and againall over againtime and againagainst timeconcealfight againstrevolt againstconcealedproceed againstconcealingconcealmentintelligence agencyover and over againice ageconcentration campronald reagangainregaingainsaybargainungainly
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